Prior to Healing With Ritual, I worked for almost a decade as a Registered Midwife and primary care provider to hundreds of birthing families. I founded Birthing Freedom, a birth preparation and lifestyle program aimed at encompassing the whole person: body, mind, and soul.
As young as 3 years old, I can remember needing to be in nature, by the sea, lake or amongst the trees and little creatures, taking in the sounds, smells, and sensations, lost in the medicine and magic. Ritual healing has always come naturally to me, it is a path I have walked for many lives.
Relevant Training
Craniosacral Therapy/Bodywork – Kari Toft, Healing Hands Training
SCPTR Psychedelic Therapy Training Program
13th House Mystery School – I studied Shamanism, the Chakras and received my white and red cords with Alison Skelton as my teacher mentor. I currently hold title of Red Cord Priestess
3 Year Plant Spirit Apprenticeship Megan Waddy, Ancient Origins
Basic Compassionate Depossession, Curse and Thought-Form Unraveling - Betsy Bergstom, Spirit-Wise
RYT 200 Fiji McAlphine, Mind into Matter Yoga Training + prenatal and kundalini training
Reiki Master – Lindsay Rose, Reiki Energy School
Holistic Nutritionist – Pacific Rim Collage
Non-Practicing Registered Midwife
Student Herbalist with Wild Rose College – Practical Herbalism Program
Evolutionary Herbalism- Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program